Monday, August 19, 2013

'our song'

One of the things that concerns me is the degree to which we focus on what divides us rather than what unites us. A seemingly unrelated observations is that I think most everyone agrees that basically the Star Spangled Banner sucks.

We need a song. Our song. I've watched a lot of soccer. The Europeans sing. Liverpool & "You'll Never Walk Alone". I've watched the last night of proms (from the BBC) and seen (seemingly) the entire country of England - every man woman and child of them - singing "Jerusalem". Half of them probably can't carry a tune but there they are. Never occurs to them that they might somehow be too cool to join in with everyone else.

And ain't that part of it? Americans take pride in being unique and making their own decisions (even when they're really just conforming in their non-conformity), so wouldn't it just be uber-cool if we choose to all sing "our song" as one people united in one country?

But we're gonna need a better tune.