Wednesday, May 5, 2010

king kong vs godzilla

Reflexively, like many Americans, I'm not prone towards big government. However, the other leviathan in the room is the multinational conglomerate. Can tiny government - government you could easily slip into your wallet - handle these behemoths? Of course, given the way our current government handles them, one can only abandon all hope.

We do seem to be seeing a period of increased "personhood" and rights for the legal fiction that is corporations. This can only be bad. But....

The further & further this is pushed, the more obvious it become that this needs to be reversed. And when it is, they'd best go the whole way - the 14th Amendment does *not* include legal fictions. Period. The corporate mouthpieces spending their wads of "free speech" money will threaten catastrophe, but does anyone consider them unbiased bastions of truth?