(okay, that was an inappropriately light title for a post on a serious topic. my bad.)
As with so many others, this is more ramblings than actual position. Maybe that excuses the title a little?
Israel. Palestine. What's a person to think?
First blush - does this have to be a unique question? Why is this somehow a 'special question" for the USA? If we're following the Jefferson admonition re foreign policy ("Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto."), aren't we equally hands-off here? Is it even necessary to have a position?
If our 'foreign policy' (if that's what you'd call it) is to be non-involved, non-aligned, and choosing to lead by the example that we set (both in dealing with our neighbors and internally with our own citizens), then perhaps what we have to contribute is commitment to the rights of the individual. And the mutual pledge/bond of our citizens to each other to defend and protect even our most outlandish tinfoil hatters. If that commitment were to exist in the Middle East, would it matter if there was one state or two? It should never ever matter here if it's a red state or blue.