The pre-campaign version of the website (maybe, hopefully, the permanent version?). Where the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street meet.
Yes, it's come to this. The majority in this country who aren't politically engaged, aren't politically polarized, but are politically marginalized and often exploited, that majority must become downright militant in order to get commonsense things actually accomplished. The two "tribes" that have so wrecked our politics have to go. In their place, independent citizen legislators not subject to the party whips and empowered to get the job done.
Face it, Americans are mostly "live & let live". As a whole, we're pretty damn tolerant. Period. Maybe it's not that we're exactly what you'd call "enlightened". Maybe it's just that basically we just can't be bothered with what other folks are doing under their own roofs. Doesn't much matter why though. It works out to the same thing.
Of course that doesn't mean we're going to like our crazier neighbors and their lifestyles. And we sure as hell are going to get mad if we're lectured about how we should respect and embrace the way they've chosen to live. But so long as, at the end of the day, we know in our hearts that we all share the same belief in self-determination and individual personal liberties and that we've got each others backs if anyone tries to deny those rights, then it's going to be okay.