Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I think that when all is said and done (when typically more will have been said than done....), I would end up with say 10 to 15 issues. For each I'd have:
* a 10 to 15 second "sound bite"
* a 2 to 3 minute "pitch"
* a more or less unlimited "white paper".

The sound bite's use is fairly obvious. (and in fact, the very best 2 or 3 sound bites might make a great foundation/theme for an entire political campaign)

The pitch might be useful as the basis for answering questionnaires or in debate situations or as part of a larger "stump speech".

The white paper's utility is probably to demonstrate the legitimacy of the campaign/candidate and to provide a ready additional reference (largely for the candidate) when discussion of an issue goes beyond the contents of the "pitch". Regrettably, the specificity of such documents could simply end up as targets for opposition sniping. But even that could ultimately prove useful in the sense of helping to perfect the campaign's thinking and solutions.